Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas JOY!

This is Hal and I last Saturday. We weren't sure how she would react to the tree, hence the "corral". While I was *trying* to put up the ornaments/garland last friday she was right behind me trying to take them off and pushing me OUT of the corral. Little Turkey! But, this week Halle went to her "Auntie's" and didn't touch ONE tree or ornament. So, the corral has now been taken down and she hasn't touched our's once since then. What you can't see in this picture is her reaction....she is in total AWE of this tree and it's sparkling lights and "pretty" decorations. I was explaining to Hal about the star on the top and the lights and the ornaments. She is soaking it all in....I can't wait for her to open up her gifts and spend time with her family! We have a book that I bought for her last Christmas that tells the story of Baby Jesus and Christmas. We have been trying to read that to her and singing lots of "Jesus Loves Me"...and she's working on saying "Jesus"...He is the Jesus for the Season....please, let's not forget that. It's so easy to get caught up in everything else. But, he truly is the reason!!


Marian said...

The tree is beautiful but I'm sure her expression is even more pretty!! Happy celebrating the real meaning of Christmas!

Gienger Stuff said...

Hi April - I don't think I have ever seen a corral around a Christmas tree before. So that is an new twist but sounds like it worked. Enjoyed the Gienger Christmas and just sent the pictures via so hope you enjoy them. Love, Uncle Ron