Saturday, August 2, 2008

Adoption Update --

Wow...I can't believe and I can finally say this.....we're done!!!  Well...almost, our photo album will be finished at the printing place on Monday and then we can send that off with our birthmother letter.  We are getting anxious and excited all in one.  With this of course, I'm feeling a lot of different emotions.  WOW!  I can't believe soon I'll be becoming a Mother.  This is something I've been waiting and praying for FOREVER!!!  I've decided our God felt like we needed to learn lots of patience!  In every aspect of our lives.  We have been learning faith so much through all of this.  Faith that God will provide for our family, that while I'm on Maternity leave, we'll be able to make ends meet.  Unfortunately, I learned last week that I am not eligible for short-term disability.  WHY?  Well, because I will not be "birthing" this baby and staying in the hospital, therefore I will not technically be disabled.  HMMMM.....just ponder that one.  I have been.  I was initially not very happy about this.  And niether was Aaron.  But...we've decided we're going to rise above this.  And most importantly TRUST.  Just this past week I was told that some employees had heard about my situation....the dear people I work with will be donating some of their paid time off to me!!  I am humbled and so grateful!  I would like to thank each and everyone of them and give them a hug and lots of cuddles with our baby!  Through this journey Aaron and I have learned so much.  That God has called us to adoption yes, that He knows what's very best for us, that patience is so important & that friends and family are so important to us.  We have felt your prayers and kind words.  We have been so blessed by them.  And by your towards our adoption, the gifts of a crib & changing table (even when you now have twins on the way!!), a cradle swing, clothes, a baby bjorn, a papasan chair/bouncy seat, toys galore, a high chair....and so much, much more!!  If you were not told we apologize...we love you all and so appreciate each and everyone of you!! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.  Please continue to pray for us.  Aaron and I have started saying...."this will be the last time" and fill in the blank...we go camping by ourselves, have a 4th of July without our baby, celebrate Mother's and Father's day without our baby....and the list goes on and on......we're speaking in faith.  Crazy you might say??  NOPE.....our God has promised this to us and it will happen!!! Ok...before I start crying I should stop.  This has been a journey of such emotion and for that I'm so grateful, sometimes that hurts, can also be so cleansing.   


Stacy said...


LOVE IT! You're SO close, now!


Erica said...

PRAISE THE LORD!!!!! Wow, I bet you can already close your eyes and breathe in the sweet smell of baby..... because Baby Benner is coming soon!!!