Friday, April 11, 2008

60 degrees and SUNSHINE!

For so long now it seems we have had January weather in April. GRRRRR! This did not make me very happy. I was so excited to leave work this evening and not have to wear a coat...and I had a short sleeve shirt on today. Did I mention I was wearing flip-flops? I was!! That was for my friend Amy, she would wear them in the snow if she could. Love you Am!! I believe my love of flip-flops may have come from you! And I thank you for that...I truly do! I drove out of the parking lot with my window open. Thinking....spring truly has arrived. The smells of spring met me as I drove home. Fresh cut grass, spring air, but...the one I hate the most....POOP! Sorry, I had to say it. I live in a farm town and let me tell you...the smell can get pretty bad. I don't think I'll ever get used to it. The birds are chirping outside and I'm so ready to wash my filthy, dirty car. Hopefully, tomorrow will bring more sun and we can get that done!!!

1 comment:

The Beynon Family said...

I love spring! Everything is new and fresh. I think Spring 2008 is going to bring new, exciting things for you and Aaron. Can't wait!