Sunday, April 27, 2008

Movie Review and more.... I had some downtime and so after church we rented this movie.  Aaron was busy so I watched it myself.  I had heard so much about it and everyone had said they loved it.  I did too.  It was quirky, it was poignant and kinda silly.  I found myself wondering if our birthmother would be anything like Juno?  You never know.  It amazed me what she did for the adoptive parents.  I really don't want to give it away.  So...if you haven't seen  But...please know that this movie is probably rated PG-13, but...I would not let my 13 year old watch it, with, or without me.  After the movie I received a phone call from someone who is interested in adoption...she and her husband wanted to know about our agency and our process that we have been through.  God is good!!  I have prayed that through everything we have been through I would be able to minister to someone.  I got to do that today and for that I feel truly blessed.  

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